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Blog Post

One Month Report

2015-05-30 15:51:34

TFA is 1 month old

It has been a month since we took the new site online. We had a few glitches here and there, but overall things have been working great.

We are now seeing steady stream of customers and orders. Btter yet, some who are long time customers on boiaudioworks site have come to order on It's such a great feeling.

Here are a couple of thoughts we'd like to share from our first month on

Cloud is Awesome site is a custom built eCommerce site running on the latest cloud technology. That sounds fancy, but this technology is closer to us than we might think. This technology is what companies like Amazon and Netflix uses.

We get the same performance, capacity and security as these familiar companies do. This means that we are able to keep IT cost (and hassle) to minimum. All in all, pass on the savings to our customers.

Twitter is Awesome

Although we aren't promoting it much yet, we created a twitter account and started to tweet. Yes yes I know, merchant twitter accounts are boring. That's not what we wanted to do.

We have always been interested in connecting with musicians. Not only that, we also have been interested in connecting with craftsmen/women who build music instruments and components.

And in just one month, we found a number of people on twitter who build beautiful guitars and hand wind pickups. We can only hope to connect with more greta people so we can see all the wonderful work they produce.

So that's our 1 month report.